Sunday 4 November 2012

Gurl Needs Her Space. Be Warned.

We moved rooms a few days ago to an empty 4 bed girls dorm, quite conveniently actutally, as the Aussies had left and my immune system was about to bail on me. It seems to happen quite a lot to us, I don't remember sharing a room with people more than a day or two. And we get all comfortable and all territorial in our empty pad and it becomes our room so when people move in they're merely guests in our spare beds. I take this completely irrational and automatic dislike to anyone who stays in my second bed, the bed which I lounge on. In my defence it can sometimes be claustraphobic traveling with another person, and gurl needs her space! I got my revenge in the form of a cold 3 days ago and I've not really been outside since but I did try and escape yesterday and returned with my tail between my legs because I couldn't breathe.
I've not taken any photos here other than a photo out of my barred window. So here are a couple bloopers.


  1. i just found your blog & its awesome. Love these pics, so funny.

  2. Aw thanks, glad you like it! :)


Good day to you!