Friday 23 November 2012

How To Celebrate Thanksgiving Like A Rockstar.

First things first:
Buy your dinner. Preferably a Hungry-Man dinner or something of that quality...
 If it's just you then great, it'll fit in the microwave just fine. And while it's cookin' have a think about why you're spending thanksgiving alone. If there are two of you then you just gotta risk the gravy-gravity situation and just squeeze those buggers in...
 Put some classic music on. I opted for 80's Rock...
 Set the table. Simplicity is key...

Make sure your freezer's on, otherwise your ice cream will melt. If this happens, don't fret, canned soup is a splendid substitute... mmmm...
OR if things are really tight, save the cranberries from your Hungry-Man dinner.

In full tradition here are a few things I'm grateful for...
1. I'm grateful that I was brought up to have a mind of my own, not limited in any way, and free to be curious about anything and everything and never indoctrinated in any way.
2. I'm grateful that by luck and luck alone I was born into a country where I can think and say what I want. Thank f*%k for that.
3. I'm grateful for potatoes. All kinds, mainly the fatty kinds. Who the hell likes boiled potatoes though? Mums that's who.
4. I'm eternally grateful for the Irish accent. Turning ladies into sluts one "I'm from Galway" at a time.

How depressing is Christmas looking though, seriously?!! HA.

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Notes From Friends

Good day to you!