Thursday, 19 May 2016

Sunrise and Sand Dunes

It's been a slow process and one which I've worked really hard on but it's finally happened. I have a tanned face. A TANNED FACE! This is unprecedented in the history of me tanning. Don't get me wrong, I still kiiinda look like I just haven't washed in a few months but the tan is real my friends. 
Don't say a word, mum. It's not dirt. 

Asides from that excellent news, I'm currently in Mui Ne, which is a little coastal town 4 hours north of Saigon. I took the recommendation from someone in my dorm to do the sunrise jeep tour to the sand dunes and boyyyyy was that a good call. See photos for confirmation. First stop was the white (and much more impressive) sand dunes to watch the sun rise and what a trek that was. Second stop was the red sand dunes and last stop a fishing village. All for £3. Yup...look at me smiling at 4am! A day for firsts!


  1. Yes well I thankfully got your genes in that department and not mum's...lots of very pink, very british-looking people around! XXXXXX

  2. Fantastic photos, Louise! Xxx

  3. Yet again lovely photos. Your looking well.

  4. Yet again lovely photos. Your looking well.

  5. YAY !!! Only took like ... Ages 😂 it really does look breathtaking. Your certainly living the life and choosing your own pathway xxx take care

  6. YAY !!! Only took like ... Ages 😂 it really does look breathtaking. Your certainly living the life and choosing your own pathway xxx take care


Good day to you!